Scientists have developed a new drug to prevent migraine : Erenumab is an injectable drug that blocks pain signals in the brain.The drug, called Erenumab consists of human antibodies. It works by targeting a receptor in the brain where a protein associated with migraines usually blinds. This protein transmits migraine pain signals during an attack. Erenumab blocks this receptor. thus preventing a migraine attack. the drug reduced the number of monthly migraine attacks by more than 50%. No side effects of this drug were recorded in human patients. Migraine is a neurological disorder characterized by a severe throbbing pain on one or both sides of the head. In some cases, head pain may be accompained by other symptoms including Naused, vomiting, numbness or tingling in the face. Patients may be also experience sensitivity to light and sound and vision problems. There are four main phases of a migraine
PHASE 1: The Prodrome where a trigger inside or outside your body causes an abnormal firing of neurons in the brain.It can begin hours or days before the actual migraine starts.
PHASE 2 : The AURA phase which includes temperory visuial or sensory disturbances that usually strike before other migraine symptoms. Abnormal neuron firing leads to a wave of electrical hyperactivity that moves across part of the brain that processes signals from your senses. Once the electrical waves stop, the Aura goes away. Not everyone experiences an Aura when having a migraine . Only 20-25% of migraine sufferers experience Aura.
PHASE 3: The Attack phase also known as headache phase. This is when the actual headache strikes and can last for hours up to several days. The abnormal firing of neurons activates the trigeminal nerve which surrounds the blood vessels in your head. This nerve is responsible for motor functions and sensation in the face. The attack phase leads to the release of inflammatory substances that causes your blood vessels to swell. Leading to an increase in blood flow around the brain. This is the cause of throbbing pulsing pain most people experience. During migraine pain receptors are then activated to send pain signals to different parts of the brain. If untreated migraine can last up to 72 hours. Before the nervous system response finally quiets
PHASE 4: The Posdrome or Recovery phase where non headache symptoms like fatigue, weakness and impaired concentration can continue for 1-2 days until your brain returns to its normal pre-activation state
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